IC8.hex - MiniBOX (Simple LocoNet Command Station) main logic IC4.hex - DCC Generator CHANGELOG --------- Version 1.8 - Supporting FREDI v1.9 F9-F12 using OPC 0xA3 Version 1.7-3-g8fedf6d 2017/12/4 (PIC16F648A only) New: - Supports LocoNet FAST CLOCK SLOT - Supports LocoNet PROG SLOT (OPS mode only) - Supports LocoNet SEND IMM PACKET - Supports functions above F8 (using IMM PACKETS) Version 1.6.1 Revision 1.86.1 2017/11/13 bugfix: Fixed all time existing bug in keyboard scan occasionally corrupting dcc packets Revision 1.86 2012/11/18 21:03:41 paolsen new (only PIC16F648A version): - MiniBOX now recognizes LocoNet OPC_SW_ACK, OPC_SW_STATUS and OPC_SW_REQ, and sends out appropriate AccessoryDecoder DCC packets minor change (both versions): - Better behaviour of LN-activity blink Revision 1.77 2011/08/29 15:37:14 paolsen new: - Added show device id on reconnect (on sl_wr_data) - Using CCP1 toghter with timer 1 to handle cd-backoff timing, making HW CD-timer superfluous (for LN-timing, but still in use by ACK-detector) changes: - Changed FASTBLINK/VERYFAST for full/in-use slot bugfix: Revision 1.65 2011/04/01 18:37:04 paolsen new: * Added copyright info to EEROM space change: * Init display with 8888 * Showing underline not minus when dispatch stack empty bugfix: * Reimplement Slot Write Accepted LACK(1) => LACK(7F) as it turned out to be a very bad idea since Digitrax cabs don't connect Rev 1.47 2006/04/11 23:43:01 paolsen new: - Increased capacity to 8 refresh slots - Possible to choose 28FS when entering loco address - Support FAST_CLOCK slot, but not running it - Support GlobalPowerOn LocoNet-command (GPON) change: - New loco refresh algorithm - Improved 28FS DCC packet generator - Slot write (OPC_WR_SL_DATA) to legal slot respond with LACK(1) (as implemented by JMRI) - Slot write (OPC_WR_SL_DATA) to PROG_SLOT gives immediate LACK(7F) bugfix: - Allow Dispatch Put IN_USE slots, but set to COMMON - Request (OPC_RQ_SL_DATA) for unsupported slot respond with LACK(7F) - Workaround for Daisy in FRED mode (changed response of request for slot 0) Rev 1.23 2005/11/08 22:48:19 paolsen - new: supporting GlobalPowerOff LN-command - change: increased purge time to 75 s (matching UT1) - fixed: better support of Digitrax throttle - tested with UT1 Rev 1.22 2005/10/11 20:00:41 paolsen - bugfix: reconnect after address purged could cause loco in several slots Rev 1.18 2005/01/23 20:19:32 paolsen - bugfix: corrected the 28FS (and 14FS) algorithm - change: increased default purge time to 64 seconds (C) 2003 PaoDesign (pal@paolsen.net)